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Joined: September 13, 2001 5:02 am
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to dustin It was not a mataphor. I do work with people from many countries (there are at least represantatives from 40 countries). It is connected w...

23 years ago

to God, I was following this forum from the beginning and even posted few messages. I am living in Europe and I have never been in America before. ...

23 years ago

to Ian Russell. It's nice to find some clearly thinking person here. to all: I've written few messages already, but I'd like to rep...

23 years ago

I am also wondering how many people can be so violant, prejudice and blood - thirsty. I have written some thoughts yesterday, expressing my feelings...

23 years ago

First of all I’d like to say that this attack has shocked not only American people but everyone around the world. We all feel like sorry for those peo...

23 years ago