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Archive through January 2, 2001

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what is this "word" you're talking about?

i've got a macintosh.

but if it's a WORD you want, i'll give you 4!

and i'll get you thrown the f*ck out of here
if you celebrate terrorism.
hear what i say, B*TCH?

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And SS classic moron keeps plowing the rocks. Let's beat him one more time ...
* "far reaching proposals" that did not include anything on Jerusalem ...
Liar-liar, as usual. It did include all of the East Jerusalem, but ... they [Arafats] wanted to get some more concessions from Barak. But almost nothing was left. Being inexperienced in negotiations, he [Barak] thought that he would come to Camp David and put all the concessions on the table and that Arafat would embrace him, thank him, kiss him and love him. But Arafat is experienced. He immediately took everything and started to demand more.
Barak said that since Arafat did not accept his proposals at Camp David, everything was null and void. It did not take more than 24 hours for Barak to renew negotiations and make further concessions. Arafat, watching the weak behavior of the prime minister, decided he could get more.

And greed would, insh'Allah, kill the cat.
* Ya smelly rape victim...
Like I said, You cannot treat all women the same way You treat yours now. Cultures differ, You know.
* It's so typical of the Jew to try and manipulate events by painting themselves as the "victims".
You know your dark sides and try to smear the opponent at all costs. Take this.
The 1929 Arab riots resulted in the rape and massacre of most of Hebron's Jewish community. Later Muftism by Haj Al-Ameen El-Husseni started fatwas(religious decrees) against all the Jews as a response to the Zionist movement. His collaboration with Hitler on the Eve of The Final Solution left an everlasting mark on the history of Muftism in The Holy Land. Letters of collaboration with Heinrich Himmler and the Hungarian Prime Minister resulted in the death of 400,000 Jews when he succeeded to stop them from immigrating to the Holy Land. Till now, no apology, hearing, or condemnation was made by any Arab government or religious official.
* Hitler didn't have any of it and fish fried you slimey C0CKSUCKERS.
You continue in the "best" traditions of Your Mufty. Inheritance;o))
* Another 3 bombs explode inside Isreal..Good riddance.
Rejoice, since the more dirty things you do, the more proud of it you are. Classic!
P.S. When at "peace" (with no concessions, insh'Allah, since you blow it), I'll think of sending You a bagel, dear cousin. LOL

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the palestinians do a rotten job of protecting their children, dontcha think? i wonder why; because they've all been programmed to believe that HEAVEN AWAITS?
alas, what a CROCK. a CROCK brimming full of PAIN and SHAME and ILLUSION.


If you really believe all the brainwashing. You are a bigger fool than I could possibly have ever imagined! By the way drummer boy what special heaven exists for your jewish friends for killing over 350 children?

Stars & Stripes

I have no particular love for Arabs nor Jews. But what I can see is a clear injustice inflicted
upon the Palestinian people. There's something about the British psyche thats tends to lean towards the underdog. As for your calling that brainwased adolescent drummer L'menexe a 'simple minded moron' That must surely qualify as the understatement of the year.

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Oh, and Happy New Year to you all.

I'm feeling generous!

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what is this "word" you're talking about?

i've got a macintosh.

but if it's a WORD you want, i'll give you 4!

and i'll get you thrown the f*ck out of here
if you celebrate terrorism.
hear what i say, B*TCH?

To L'menexe

Dear Baboon brains,

Go Easy on banging those drums. If the MURDER of 350 Palestinian kids isn't terrorism than what is?!

If YOU continue to celebrate your love of terrorism by your jewish buddies than I will have YOU thrown out!

There is an interesting chapter (that relates to you)in Desmond Morris's 'The Naked Ape' about the consequences of chimps losing their minds

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evenin', mum!
nice to see yiz!

'350' was the combined total, incl the jews,
who've died.
but _why_ do you say such DUMBASS things like
"over 350 children"?
does it matter to you to ever GET IT RIGHT?

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no, BACON.
i aint goin nowhere because of you.
we'll just check the archives.

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and again, BACON:

"350 kids" is wrong. way wrong.
come correct, or dont come at all.

*)overkill is overkill. i justify nothing. who cares what i say anyway?

*)but, coincidentally, palestinians appear to have their kids in FRONT, in general.

i wont discuss this w/an individual who cant be bothered to be the least bit informed.

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For once I thought, on the basis of his last post, that Conrad W. started to excercise thinking abilities. Unfortunately, all, that came out, was a naked ape:
* ... for killing over 350 children? Or MURDER of 350 Palestinian kids -
This BS is not used even by the Palestinian hard-core liars, like Ashrawi. She is clever enough to know, that this is impossible to sell, but, as they say, there is a fool born every minute to buy it.
Arafat cynically uses his own civilians by putting children and unarmed men in the harms' way. He deliberately uses this planned violence, especially when the televised "war" shows children as victims and martyrs. He learned a lot from the Balkan PR.
Not so with the "other" Middle East.
During the war between Iran and Iraq, Iran sent children (holding tickets to Moslem paradise) running across minefields to clear the way for the Iranian soldiers. Allah akbar. Not a single conrad stirred.
When the PLO tried this tactic of riots and violence against King Hussein in 1970, he, unlike Israel, used full force, and in one week 20,000 Palestinians were just dead. His son hinted he would not tolerate any such BS now.
Assad gassed 22,000 of its own people in Hama, all because they wanted a democratic country.
But ... no problem. There is always Israel to blame. LOL.
P.S. If YOU continue to celebrate your love of terrorism by your jewish buddies than I will have YOU thrown out!
Come down.

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"i wont discuss this w/an individual who cant be bothered to be the least bit informed. "


Conrad you've got it all wrong... it was 350 Isreali children killed - not Palestinian. LOL...
the Jew is the reall victim here!

Bagel Girl is digging up ancient history to paint herself as the victim... again. But she forgets to mention that most of her founding fathers have warrants issued for their arrests by the U.N for crimes against humanity - much like Milosovic.

"She billows like a babbon in heat"... never so true! lol ...

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Ha-ha! This pumpkin S&S adopted the name of Amr Nasser, they say. Except for the name, nothing new - same old "classic" trash of "classic". LOL:
* Amr Nasser - Tuesday, 01/02/01, 3:55:10am (#103960 of 103968)
I know that your kings and queens are in Russia , or Serbia , where ever you came from ,
* our kings and queens ?, ahhh , they lived there 2000 years ago , lol
* Igor ,
ever herd of the russian mafia , and is it related to steeling land from arabs and giving it to jews , please advice ? lol
* Amina
I trust your intllignce
* Israel attacked the Arabs in every war,
* can you please tell cousin Igor to go back to russia , lol

It is a collective funny-farm of liars.
P.S. And he claims to be an Egyptian (now? But what the hell.), so, he rightfully calls himself "all american" and "stars & stripes" being the first on the list of recipients of American aid, licking L'-san's shoe-soles for his tax dollars is optional.

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There goes the little Bagel Girl... running with the rest of her scum not far behind.

nothing to say Bagel girl when faced with the truth. At least u did not deny it.... lol...

"She billows like a babbon in heat"... Never so true!

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Doing some very shallow research and the 1967 war was started by the Jew...

Try again Bagel Girl... lol...

"She billows like a babbon in heat"...

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Eh?! SS hopped on this MB. How was the CNN?;o)))) Anyways, let's beat this mazochist(s) again ...
* Bagel Girl is digging up ancient history to paint herself as the victim ...
Ancient refers to BC. Does 1929 (for that instance alone) qualify as BC? Where is Your education You bragged about? Islamic University of Gaza?
* But she forgets to mention that most of her founding fathers have warrants issued for their arrests by the U.N for crimes against humanity - much like Milosovic.
By the Organization for Liberation of Penguins from Cold.
I would not expect anything else form some Radio Islam, that "compiles" history on the fly, z-z-z-z-z-z! LOL
* "She billows like a babbon in heat"
And he shamelessly continues to insult Infantifada comedy theatre company.
P.S. By the way, how many "brethren" did the PLO murder in Damour, Lebanon, 1976. Classic!

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Swastika Baby continues to live in Denial... LMAO...

Now she is denying that the United Nations had warrants out against Jew leaders for crimes against humanity!


"She billows like a baboon in heat"... Never been so true!

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