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Archive through August 18, 2006

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I have a friend in Athens, her name is Joanne Levasseur. They just were transferred from New York to Athens (a little on the outskirsts) this past June. Her husband is French from France while she is originally from Quebec, Canada. They have two young children. If you know anything, please respond. Thank you, Suzanne Lacroix, Edmonton, Alberta

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Hello our realy historical and traditional friends,
Like same culture, same foods, same drinks etc.
now same disaster....
We have same pain for you and us.
Thank you for your help to us.
Levent Yavuz

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God united us in our sufferings. I hope we unite in our good times too. All Turks share your sufferings as you shared ours.

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Peter Strovos, I haven't heard from you in over a month. Hope you and your family are safe from the earthquake. Provided you can get word to me, please do so. Wish there was something I can do to help, except include you and yours in my prayers.I'm sorry that such a horror such as an earthquake had to happen so suddenly.If God is kind, then you are safe and uninjured. Sincerely Yours, Lesley G. Chastain.

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dear greek friend I would like to tell my deepest sorrow for the tragedy in Greece. I hope, the death toll will not rise further.And i hope that this kind tragedy will not happen in the future again for both of us people

levent erol/istanbul

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Dear Greek Friends

We hope that you will recover from this disaster quickly. We here in Turkey realise what you must be feeling. We all pray for peaceful, earthquake free days in our region.

Grant and Tulin Lehy.

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Dear Greek Friends,
I hope that these earthquake disasters end some day.We know that you share our pain and we share your pain.And thank you for your help.PEACE FOR US & PEACE FOR ALL PEOPLE OVER THE WORLD
Best Regards,
Duysen Erdogan

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Dear Turkish friends,

I'm greek and live in greece and I just want to say thank you for all your help. It'a pity that it took two killer quakes to bring our two countries together... we pray for a quick recovery for Turkey as we try here to recover in Greece, and once again thank you, you saved many greek lives.

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looking for zpyenli dila , your fraind kathie
