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Read Taiwan Earthquake Messages

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hey wut up/ well as 4 me i'm str8. well i gotta do a project on turkey and i,m looking for some information and i guess i came on the right web site. well all i have to say about what i was just looking at is that they should be prepared just in case another earthquake happen.
love all you guys

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Was back to Taiwan for 4 days (9/17), direct up to Puli with Steve from NY. We were in the epicenter. Much to talk about.

I didn't know about this line. Who wants to talk about Peng pai-hsien, jailed Nantou commissioner - I know his brother. What stories! Anybody out there?

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9 June 2003. Minor shake felt in Taipei, NanGang district Mon morning about 9:40am. We shook for half a minute, not too hard, but noticible if you were sitting down. Then all was well.
