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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 16

Kim, pretty funny... especially the part about friendship and trust... LOL... in the grand skeem of things I'd take that over just about anyth...

24 years ago

Dimibaby, the intellegence is spweing. the poetry overwhelming; a small example; "LRAO at ya, you luver-undecover, you" Blahhhhh LMAO... luver - ...

24 years ago

Dimitri... lOL.. Good one, reall intellegent comeback... What else could I expect from a rather large headed Rooskie. Slap! You are sooooo Crazy. lo...

24 years ago

Where is that rather large headed Rooskie... Dimitri, come on out let me stick in you like I stick in you before. Myyyyyyyyyy little Ho'

24 years ago

How about sticking their boots up your loose sphincter.... you Panzy.. Gross pig... How many C0cks have you taken today... you f@cking queer.

24 years ago

Lmenexe, Are you talking trash? "slapping" people down? LOL.. since when? Shut up before I b!tch slap your azzzzz. You queer... LMAOAU

24 years ago

Chorny vodka, Yeah nice interview... really impressive. I didn't know you Rooskies are into PR this way. Let me ask you this, has Putin ever gi...

24 years ago

Lmenxe, How many bones did you smoke today? "Extra Mayo - please" LMAO....

24 years ago

Awwwwww, that's too bad Kim... But I gotta ask you, Who the **** eats mayonaise with Salmon. UGGGGGGGGGgggggggggg. just the thought of that ma...

24 years ago

Chorny Volk, Yes I completely agree, The Russian people deserve it for killing, raping and maiming. It is a fair reward, Im sure you agree.

24 years ago

No thanx I don't smoke... What's happened to this board, It's stale... Lmenexe is actually attempting at voicing his political opini...

24 years ago

No, I just think he's gay. Kim, How's it going? long time... How's life in Geneva, your ball and Chain? etc...

24 years ago

Lmenexe, You sound like a queer...

24 years ago

Fred - Yeah I heard the same thing - LMAO!

24 years ago

This board is SAD.. LOL... you have Lmnexe who knows NOTHING of politics... his face stinks of Arse... this 12 year old Ultra kid counting his pubic...

24 years ago
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