Eminent Member
Joined: September 17, 2001 10:05 pm
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bowood AKA justhefacts. oops.

22 years ago

JC you say that the New World Order wants to destroy all good drugs. Well the UK is a player in that NWO, and has virtually decriminalized cannabis, s...

22 years ago

Marie, I am sure I speak for the others on this board in extending our condolences and prayers to you and your family. The issue you have raised is im...

22 years ago

To John C. First of all, living in the US does not force our Moslem men to cut off their hair and beards. In fact only a very small proportion of Mus...

22 years ago

to fredlenique, you say "if best elite troops can't fight in winter what kind of army do we have ?" Well that is a good question and I guess we ...

22 years ago

to L'amenexe, I agree that Israelis are not blowing up discos, market places, buses etc, but they still have to accept share of the blame for the...

22 years ago

To Fredlenique, If we put troops in on the ground just in time for winter, nothing will be resolved quickly, except for the lives of many US troops. I...

23 years ago

cannot see how we are going to go in on the ground now, not with harsh Afghani winter almost upon us. We would be fighting both Taliban and the weathe...

23 years ago

very funny AA ! I understand that same officer quoted Jesus' approval of fighting on Easter Sunday when he was heading Holy Roman Empire. have n...

23 years ago

I got a girl named Bony Moronie She's as skinny as a stick of macaroni i.e. the simpler things in life bring the greatest joy. It can be shootin...

23 years ago

to John , truly an awful story, but sadly all too common. It is a sad truth thatin today's America if you don't have high falutin' lega...

23 years ago

To Another American: hey!!! just because I glossed over pre-WW2 Zionism with such profiency that I did not even mention it, doesn't mean I was re...

23 years ago

to british soldier.... good luck stay clear and focused fear is natural you will get through this, know that we stand firm behind you.

23 years ago

welcome back AA. Thanks for the compliments, you had me blushing there. You are right of course I am a conservative, with a small "c". I suspect this ...

23 years ago

this place is getting interesting again. after my initial rush of adrenalin and patriotic fervor at the commencement of hostilities 5 days ago, some d...

23 years ago
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